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Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Product Pricing Considerations

Pricing is certainly important in any business. However to home business owners pricing may not be the most important consideration. Let's analyze a couple of factors that you must take into consideration when you consider pricing.

Most home business owners are actually promoting the business opportunity as their primary product. They may also offer other products that relate to that opportunity including Internet marketing training and so on.

There are so many opportunities in the market today you just need to be aware of your competition and know what they are doing.

Pricing is very pertinent to your business but understanding your target market is more important. For example if you are going to promote an opportunity that costs $1000 to join you would not want to do that in free classified ad directories.

Also hanging out in free advertising forums is not going to be the place to promote a high ticket home business opportunity. There is one way to fail promoting your opportunity to the wrong market.

The flipside of that would be promoting a low income home business opportunity to a high end market. The chances of you successfully creating an income doing it this way are greatly diminished.

That is one important factor to remember and never forget. You need to understand your market and adjust your pricing accordingly.

Another important consideration is how you go about packaging your products. There are lots of ways of successful home business people who command a higher price because they always offer more than the competitors offer.

An example of this would be presenting your home business opportunity and also including a one hour free consultation. Always let your prospects know that you normally charge $100 an hour for your time helping them. This is giving them a head start in value as well as giving you something different to offer everyone else.

This is why you see so many bonuses added to specific opportunities. These bonuses include Internet marketing training, graphics, marketing videos, and so on. The opportunity may be very good at the price you are presenting it, but the bonuses are what help seal the deal.

Ultimately you have to determine how proud you are of the home business products you are promoting. Low pricing does not always represent a good value, and that should be taken into consideration when establishing the product prices you are promoting.

In the beginning always know who your target market is before you start pricing. Then include bonuses to increase the perceived value!

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