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Awaken the Giant Within
by Anthony Robbins

The ultimate program for improving the quality of every aspect of your life -- personal or business, physical or emotional -- Awaken the Giant Within gives you the tools you need to immediately become master of your own fate. Click here...

Getting Things Done

by David Allen

In today's world of exponentially increased communication and responsibility, yesterday's methods for staying on top just don't work...
Click here...

The 4-Hour Work Week

by Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is an extraordinary young man on a mission. The 28-year-old serial vagabond and successful entrepreneur has been teaching a wildly popular course at Princeton University for the past 4 years…
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The Leader Who Had No Title
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From the author of "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" comes an inspiring parable about the skills needed to excel in career and life. Click here...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

16 Things To Check Before Joining Someone
Else's "Pay Per Sale" Affiliate Program

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  1. Contact other affiliates already in the program to see if they have had any problems.
  2. Is the product or service related to your target audience?
  3. Can they notify you by e-mail when a sale is made?
  4. Do they o.ffer backend products so you can get repeat sales from the same person?
  5. How often will you receive a commission check?
  6. Do you get credited for a sale if people come back in month and then make a purchase.
  7. Can you get around-the-clock help online or offline?
  8. Do you get a large percentage of each sale as commission?
  9. Do they provide you with proven sales material? (links, banners, classified ads, sales letters etc)
  10. Will they give you the leeway to create promotional ads.
  11. Do they o.ffer you access to an online sales stats page?
  12. Do they use a reputable system to track your sales?
  13. Does the affiliate program pay commission for sales of people who sign up under you?
  14. Can they o.ffer customers a lot of different ordering options, so in return you won't lose sales.
  15. Will they keep in contact with you on a regular basis by e-mail?
  16. Does the affiliate program offer you a free way to join without buying the product or service?

Quote of the Day:

"The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too
greedy, or too impatient. To dig for treasures shows not
only impatience and greed, but lack of faith. Patience,
patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and
faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a
beach--waiting for a gift from the sea."
-- Anne Morrow

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