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Thursday, July 13, 2006

no matter what your core business is, what
industry you're in, what type of products you se||...
if you're smart (and want to get r!ch at whiplash
speed) you'll become a master "Infopreneur".

There's no other business skill I can think of that
will open doors for you that will remain locked
through any other method (even if... actually especially,
if you are NOT even in the business of informational/
educational products to at least some degree)...


Well, first, let's discuss the core fundamentals that
make ALL businesses function because at its base it's all
the same, trying to accomplish the same basic process:

1. You gotta have a group of prospects who have a
common problem (or set of problems) they want
solved (sometimes they aren't consciously aware
of their problem or that there's even a solution
available to solve it, like your product/service).

2. You've gotta have a way to *target* those prospects
so you don't waste time talking to people that aren't
real prospects for your business.

3. You've gotta have something of value (a product or
service) that solves the problem for your target

4. You've gotta have a way to communicate with your
target prospects in a way so they understand what
your product/service does for them to solve the
problem they want solved.

5. You've gotta have a way to differentiate yourself
from your competitors so your target prospects want
to do business with you instead of any other options
they have available to them (including not buying any
product or service in your category and just putting
up with the problem instead of solving it all).

I mean, if you can successfully put all 5 of those
elements into your business model, chances are you
are going to have a very successful (and profitable)
business, no matter what the category.

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