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Awaken the Giant Within
by Anthony Robbins

The ultimate program for improving the quality of every aspect of your life -- personal or business, physical or emotional -- Awaken the Giant Within gives you the tools you need to immediately become master of your own fate. Click here...

Getting Things Done

by David Allen

In today's world of exponentially increased communication and responsibility, yesterday's methods for staying on top just don't work...
Click here...

The 4-Hour Work Week

by Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is an extraordinary young man on a mission. The 28-year-old serial vagabond and successful entrepreneur has been teaching a wildly popular course at Princeton University for the past 4 years…
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The Leader Who Had No Title
by Robin Sharma

From the author of "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" comes an inspiring parable about the skills needed to excel in career and life. Click here...

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Powerful Autoresponders – Does Yours Measure Up?

Autoresponders are very necessary when it comes
to marketing or taking care of customers. But the
power of an autoresponder, or the lack of power,
can mean the difference between success and

When you use an autoresponder service, you must
make sure that the domain that the autoresponder
uses isn’t blacklisted by the spam watch groups. If
it is, your messages probably won’t make it past
the majority of spam filters, no matter how much
you check it with spam checkers.

Also, not having the ability to track responses can
cost you business. If you can’t track response rates,
you won’t have any way of knowing whether your
messages are doing you any good. A good
autoresponder will provide the ability to track
responses. If yours doesn’t, you might want to shop
for a new autoresponder.

The ability to add and remove names to your
autoresponder manually is vital. Often, people will
contact you without going through your
autoresponder. These people need to be put on the
autoresponders mailing list. If you are moving your
list from one service to another, you need the ability
to import names and addresses to your list. Again,
if your autoresponder service isn’t powerful enough
to allow this, look for a different one!

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