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Monday, May 17, 2010

The Ultimatum Close
By Brian Tracy

A variation of the authorization close is the Ultimatum Close. You use this when you have been going back and forth with the prospect for some time. You have invested a lot of time and effort with this prospect and you don't want to lose it, but the prospect will not say "yes" and he will not say "no." You need to get a resolution so that you can either close the sale or get onto other prospects who represent greater opportunities to sell.
To use this closing method, you call the prospect, whom you have seen several times, and arrange to see him once again. When you arrive, you sit down and say these words, "Mr. Prospect, I know how busy you are. We've been talking about this product for some time now, and either it's a good idea for you, or it's not. If it's a good idea, we need to make a decision right now and get on with it. And if it's not a good idea, your time is too valuable for us to continue talking about it. If you’ll just authorize this, we’ll get started on it right away.”

Push the completed sales contract across the desk, lay your pen on top of the contract next to the check mark, smile and sit perfectly silently. This technique has about a 60 percent likelihood of working. Sixty percent of the time you use it, the prospect will eventually sign the contract and buy the product. But you must sit silently and be patient.

In the other 40 percent of cases, the prospect will push the contract back, say that he has decided not to buy it after all, and end the discussion. In either case, the discussion is over and you can get on with the rest of your sales activities.

Now, here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, prepare thoroughly in advance to use the ultimatum close. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by using it skillfully.

Second, always remember that customers need help getting through the stress and tension of the final buying decision.

This is your job as a sales professional.

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