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Monday, July 25, 2011

Attitude of a Guerrilla Marketer

Guerrilla Marketer’s Attitude

An attitude that is mandatory if you're to be a guerrilla is outwardness. Inward focus works against you when it comes to marketing. Save that for your analyst's couch, and shine your light outward bound when you're marketing. 

The insight you require is the knowledge that your marketing is not about you. It is not about your business. It is not about your product or your service. I hope you're clear on that because if you're not, you'll blur up the other insights necessary for you to master guerrilla marketing. 

There is always a very good chance that what you have to offer will mean a lot to your target audience. And there's a small but real chance that it will mean a great deal to them right now. Those simple facts ought to mean a lot to you before you plunge headlong into a marketing attack. If you can adapt your mindset to just what your offering can mean to your prospects, you're thinking properly. 

Since your attitude is centered around your customers, other facets of your business will follow suit. Your service will pick up and customers will notice.

The people you hire will share your attitude, and again, customers will notice. 

The way you run your business will never seem stale to them because you'll be innovative in ways to deliver customer bliss. 

Focusing on your customer is the way to go, and "business as usual" now means "business as unusual" if you're to be a guerrilla with the right attitude, seeing things from your customers' point of view, meeting and then exceeding their expectations. That calls for knowing where you're headed, what your competitors are doing and what your prospects customers are thinking. 


Make customer service your competitive edge. It's one area where you, the true blue guerrilla, have the greatest advantage over the big guys. Do it better than anyone else and people will take notice.

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